Health & Fitness

Health and Fitness is a match made in heaven. One without the other cripples the health process. It's like a man down in a race, a bird with a broken wing, or a car with only three tires. Health is essentially your overall well being and the state of being free from sickness or illness internally. Fitness, on the other hand, is being physically fit and healthy externally in a preparedness and readiness sense. According to Mayo Clinic (Patient Care and Health) Fitness although external, works to control your weight, helps with combatting health conditions and diseases, boost your mood, promotes better sleep, and creates physical strength and power for your muscles and bones. Therefore, when you think of health, think fitness as it's best friend. Now, take a look at the list below for a daily regiment that can help to nurture both your health and fitness goals.

  • Drink water equivalent to half your body weight in ounces per day
  • Consume adequate protein (adult portion 0.36 grams for every lb of body weight)
  • Eat clean
  • Lift weights
  • Interval cardio
  • Eat 3-6 smaller meals a day with healthy snacks in between if needed.
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks
  • Count on the right carbohydrates - between 45-50 (complex carbs)
  • Boost your fruit and vegetable intake
  • Switch to almond butter (or other low sugar replacement) instead of sugary peanut butter
  • Enjoy herbal and green teas as a replacement for coffee, (cream and sugar)
  • Choose healthy fats: such as nuts, seeds, avocados, olives, oils such as olive or avocado oil
  • Count calories (average woman 1500 to lose weight, 2000 per day to maintain)
  • Get at least 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night
  • Live, Love, Laugh

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